Tumbling down the Rabbit hole

Dear reader, I am generally irked when asked to describe or introduce myself. So bear with me if this turns out to be awkward since that seems to be the story of my lifeIMG_20161012_143623

I have a lot of passions, hobbies, interests but we’re not going to get into most of those because I don’t want to make my other classmates look bad (no problem guys, thank me later). Rather, I’m going to share with you my partial thirst for knowledge, I say partial because no level of thirst will make me want to gain knowledge about subjects like Maths. I’m a novice scholar, I love studying about politics, psychology, English literature and as of lately- history too. However, this love for knowledge should not be confused with academics.

I like pretentious poetry, imagery, art and beauty. I love to read and through reading, I discovered entire worlds unexplored.

“I have lived lives more than my own and there are many more to come.” Ayesha Shams

The previous sentence was solely for the purpose of reiterating the fact that I am a pretentious sucker. I was just boasting about reading.  On a serious note, some of the books that have had a profound impact on me are:

  • The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
  • Lord of Flies by William Golding
  • Alice in the wonderland by Lewis Carol
  • 1984- George Orwell

(read them if you want to be a little cultured)

At the risk of being mocked by actual photographers(I know you guys are sensitive about it), I would also like to admit that I love photography and that I wish I was good at it. Since, I am not exactly in a place that cultivates creativity or the aforementioned skill, I do the best I can. These are some of the photos that I have taken.

Processed with VSCO with b5 preset     2016-03-29 06.01.57 1.jpg

For more photographs, you can check out my Instagram: A.shums

Or my photo blog on Tumblr here.

There are a few social causes that I feel very strongly towards, they are; Women rights and empowerment, Minority rights and Environmental preservation and protection. I try to be as vocal about these issues as possible, if given the opportunity- I would actively engage in social work for them. I have taken part in multiple environmental clean ups. The picture below is from a clean up initiative in Sheesh Mehal.




Sheesh Mahal                                                                                                         Me as Mancini  


Coming to my beliefs, there are few things more important to me than kindness, acceptance and tolerance. I abhor (irony intended) people who try to bring others down or are needlessly rude to others. I’m not mother Teresa reincarnated but I truly believe in the saying ‘live and let live’. And not only because of the inherent virtue of the saying but also because it’s extremely exhausting to stick your nose in everybody’s business and bother yourself with it. You’ll find that life might be a tad bit easier if you mind your own business and keep the dirt of personal politics off your shoulders. So take my unsolicited advice and chill out.
One of the earliest lesson that I remember my father teaching me is that, you should never judge a person on anything other than the strength and quality of their character. That nothing matters more than their integrity and dignity. And through that, he taught me that every person deserves respect unless they prove otherwise. Fortunately for me, that lesson stuck with me into my adulthood and that is why I strongly believe that one owes respect to everyone- big or small. This is one of my most fundamental belief and I shun people who think otherwise.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope you found it entertaining. I would like to clear- the sarcasm was intended.

Ayesha Shams

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Author: Ayesha Shams

I'm a contradiction, a dreamer and realist. deep love for all things fantasy. I prefer my puns, intended!

3 thoughts on “Tumbling down the Rabbit hole”

  1. “ “I have lived lives more than my own and there are many more to come.” Ayesha Shams ”
    Quoting yourself in an article about yourself, very meta.


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